Peanut butter and jelly. Tom and Jerry. Batman and Robin. Certain things in life just seem to work better together. In our digital age of inter-connectivity, where content is being consumed at an all time high, SEO and content marketing are the next big pairing that every company interested in gaining a digital foothold needs to adopt.

SEO And Content Marketing: Two Peas In A Pod

For far too long businesses have thought of SEO and content marketing as two separate entities. In fact, most large businesses have separate divisions for their SEO and marketing teams. The latter entities are of the mindset that SEO should continue to be deemed the technical component that focuses on the specific purpose of helping a website achieve the top spot on designated searches. In this vein, companies are constantly tweaking their website content in an effort to appeal to Google, and other search engine’s, algorithms. However, by taking this approach, companies are remiss to remember that not only do we live in a digital world, but content is the driving factor that connects businesses with customers and vice versa.

Did you know that good content provides many of the technical benefits that a well-thought out SEO campaign requires? In addition, good content marketing provides the compelling material that site visitors are actually interested in reading or viewing. These SEO-driven benefits are achieved simply by crafting good content marketing pieces that can be published via multiple channels, and also contain links back to your site.

According to 51 percent of agencies polled during an Econsultancy study, SEO was a highly integrated component of their content marketing strategy. Through paid advertising, blog posts, YouTube videos,  social media posts, website content, and other digital content, marketing teams are able to positively contribute to company-wide SEO efforts.

The Bottom Line: SEO And Content Marketing Should Go Hand-In-Hand

The  moral of the story is clear, content marketing and SEO should no longer be viewed as two separate entities. Instead, they should be seen as one comprehensive unit or team that can be used to effectively attract new customers, prospects, businesses, and general readers to your company and brand. Like Batman and Robin, SEO and content marketing just aren’t the same without each other.


Vuepak is a sales enablement platform that presents the products and services you offer. It features detailed tracking, media content distribution and sales automation. It helps turn prospects into customers and get more attention while growing your business.